Create the SAML Application
To get started navigate to the Applications tab of the Okta console.
Click Create App Integration, then select the SAML 2.0 option. Click Next then Give your application a suitable name then click Next.
Configure the SAML Application
Set the Single sign-on URL field to be first_time_setup_config.saml_sso_acs_url
from the deployment outputs.
Set the Audience URI (SP Entity ID) field to be first_time_setup_config.saml_sso_entity_id
from the deployment outputs.
In Attributes Statements set Name to http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress
and Value to user.email
Click Next then Finish
Setup the SAML SSO provider in your deployment
Copy the Metadata URL from the Sign On tab of your newly created application.
Add the following variables to your Terraform deployment
saml_provider_name = "Okta"saml_metadata_is_file = falsesaml_metadata_source = <The SAML metadata URL>
Now, run a deployment:
terraform apply