Breakglass Access
Breakglass access allows a user to optionally bypass approval requirements on an access request in situations where it is required. By default, no breakglass access is permitted in your Common Fate deployment.
You can enable breakglass access by adding a cedar policy.
// Allow all users to request breakglass access to all resourcespermit ( principal, action == Access::Action::"BreakglassActivate", resource);
// Allow all users to request breakglass access to specific resourcespermit ( principal, action == Access::Action::"Activate", resource is AWS::IDC::AccountGrant)when { in [AWS::Account::"12345678912"] };
// Allow the security team to access any account using breakglass access@advice("You can use breakglass access for this request because you are on the security team")permit ( principal in Entra::Group::"ID_OF_SECURITY_GROUP", action == Access::Action::"BreakglassActivate", resource);
Using Breakglass to Activate a Request
When breakglass is permitted for one or more entitlements on an access request, a user will see a breakglass checkbox above the Activate button on the request detail page in the web console. This breakglass checkbox will only be shown when the user has permission to use breakglass to activate one or more of the entitlements on their request.
Detecting Usage of Breakglass Access
When a grant is activated using breakglass, an event will be emitted with the action type “grant.breakglass_activated”. You can configure event processing to detect this event type and trigger as action as required.
For teams with slack notifications configured, when breakglass access is used, the slack notifications will have an additional alert section indicating that breakglass was used.