Please note that Glide will be transitioning to a sunset phase, with the project being archived on May 16, 2024. For more information, kindly refer to our announcement post.

Glide is an identity-based privileged access management system. Employees within a company sometimes require administrative access to internal applications, such as cloud providers and SaaS applications. Glide provides workflows for employees to attain elevated access based on rules which you configure, such as designating roles as “break-glass” to be used only in an outage, to requiring a reason to be given for the access session.

Glide assigns roles to your existing users

Glide uses an Access Provider plugin framework to connect to your cloud environment and SaaS services. Access Providers contain the necessary integration logic to assign and revoke access. For example, the commonfate/aws-sso Access Provider contains logic to assign users to Permission Sets in AWS IAM Identity Center.

Each Access Provider requires that some permissions are given to Glide in order to assign and revoke access. These permissions are scoped so that Glide only has the ability to assign roles to existing users, rather than create new roles or users.

By design, the blast radius of Glide being compromised is that existing users in your directory could be granted access to roles, rather than external users being created or given access to resources.

Glide runs in your cloud

Glide is deployed as a serverless application which runs in your own AWS account. Glide does not have access to any data in your Glide deployment.

API security

All actions involving reading and writing data within Glide are conducted by calling REST APIs over HTTPS. These APIs are served via Amazon API Gateway. The REST APIs are secured using the AWS Cognito Authorizer. This is a native AWS security feature which runs in front of Glide. In order to access the API, users must authenticate with AWS Cognito. Cognito issues users with a short-lived access token for the API.

Additionally, Glide supports Single-Sign-On (SSO) using the SAML2.0 protocol. This functionality is built in to AWS Cognito. When using SSO, it is possible to configure Glide such that multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required for all logins. This can be configured in your corporate identity provider, such as Okta, Google Workspace, or Azure Active Directory. Users are prohibited from accessing APIs unless they have authenticated with Cognito. AWS’s security documentation on API Gateway is available here.

There are two authorization levels within Glide:

  • End User
  • Administrator

End Users can make and approve Access Requests. The resources that they can request and approve access for are governed by Access Rules. Access Rules define which groups can request access, and which groups approve requests. Users can belong to multiple groups. When Glide is connected to your corporate identity provider, groups and group memberships are synchronised from your identity provider’s directory.

Administrators can create and modify Access Rules. A user is an Administrator if they belong to the Administrative Group. This group is specified when deploying Glide. When Glide is connected to your identity provider, the Administrative Group is a group ID of a group in your identity provider. This allows you to use your identity provider (such as Okta or Azure AD) to manage Glide administrators.

When an administrative API call is made, Glide first evaluates the group membership of a user. If the user does not belong to the Administrative Group, the action is aborted immediately.

Revoking access

In case of a suspected security incident, Glide allows administrators to immediately revoked an access session before it expires.

Audit trail events

Glide emits detailed audit trail events for all actions to Amazon EventBridge. These events can be aggregated in your SIEM in order to develop alerting rules.

Disaster recovery

Glide stores data in Amazon DynamoDB and supports data backup and restore for disaster recovery.

Deployment tooling release verification

gdeploy is a command-line interface (CLI) tool for creating and managing Glide deployments. Glide signs gdeploy binaries with our GPG key. You can verify the integrity and authenticity of a gdeploy binary by following the process below.

The process below will use v0.7.0 as the version of gdeploy. Ensure you change version references to v0.7.0 to the version of Glide you wish to verify when following this process.

Prior to verifying a release you must import our GPG key:

# get the key from Keybase, GitHub, or, and save it as commonfate.asc.
gpg import commonfate.asc
  1. Download the Glide release artifact you wish to verify (we will use the Linux x86_64 version as an example):

    curl -OL
  2. Download the checksums for the release:

    curl -OL
  3. Download the signature file:

    curl -OL
  4. Verify the integrity of the release artifact:

    shasum -a 256 -c checksums.txt --ignore-missing

    You should see an output similar to the below:

    gdeploy_0.7.0_linux_x86_64.tar.gz: OK
  5. Verify the integrity and authenticity of the checksums:

    gpg --verify ./checksums.txt.sig