Please note that Glide will be transitioning to a sunset phase, with the project being archived on May 16, 2024. For more information, kindly refer to our announcement post.

Updating parameters

From time to time you may wish to update your SSO configuration, for example if you need to rotate application secrets.

First, run gdeploy identity sso update

Your current identity provider type should be selected, if not, select it now. Enter ‘y’ and press enter.

[i] Updating configuration for <your_identity_provider>
[i] You can follow our <your_identity_provider> setup guide at: <your_identity_provider> for detailed instruction on setting up SSO

Next you can update or use the existing values for your provider. You will be prompted to enter each one.

You will have to provide a value for all secrets when prompted.

Finally, you can either change or use the existing value when prompted for an administrator group id.

You will need to redeploy using gdeploy update to update the indentity provider changes.

Changing Identity Provider

If you instead wish to change your identity provider altogether then run the following commands:

  1. First, run gdeploy identity sso disable
Are you sure you want to disable SSO? (y/N)

This will prompt you to confirm your intent to disable current identity provider. Enter ‘y’ and press enter.

[✔] Successfully disabled SSO
[!] SSO has been disabled and your deployment will now use the default Cognito user pool for logins. To finish disabling SSO, follow these steps:

                1) Run 'gdeploy update' to apply the changes to your CloudFormation deployment.
                2) Run 'gdeploy identity sync' to trigger an immediate sync of your cognito user pool.

You should see a message like above.

  1. Next, run gdeploy identity sso enable to add new sets of configuration. Follow this link for more instruction on setting up SSO.

  2. Finally, run gdeploy update to apply the changes to your CloudFormation deployment.